Day 40 – Blindfolded

Reluctantly on day 40 I was blindfolded for 8 hours and I hated it!

I hadn’t chosen this challenge myself, my new friend Simon who had taken a keen interest in my project suggested it to me over breakfast at the yoga camp (Thanks Simon). My immediate response was ‘NO WAY’.

My thinking was-

1. I will look stupid walking around with a blind fold on (yes that was the first objection that ran through my mind, helllooooo ego)

2. Ummmm I won’t be able to see

3. It is entirely uncomfortable for me to be completely reliant on everyone for the day, walking, going to the bathroom etc

4. I’m sure its annoying for other people to have to look after me

But after alot of convincing on his part, I agreed. Because what is the point of doing this project if the first time that someone suggests something that I find challenging I say no. It seems to defeat the purpose of what I am trying to achieve.

So we agreed that after breakfast my challenge would start and I would remain blindfolded for 6 hours. I could take the blind fold off just before the evening yoga class. That was the plan until our yoga instructor said she thought I should also come and do the yoga blind folded. Wonderful

Challenge time! Simon popped a makeshift blindfold on me and proceeded to guide me around the yoga camp. I felt like an ABSOLUTE FOOL, particularly because we forgot to tell other people what I was doing and I was asked several strange questions like ‘Nat, are you ok?’. What exactly did people think had happened to me? (Perhaps they thought my eyes had been damaged from seeing one of the fellow yogi’s ‘packages’ getting squashed into all sorts of god awful positions in his teeny tiny, lycra tights ha)


After a few chats and some lounging by the pool, it was time for lunch! Well now that was awkward……

The actual process of eating is not that hard, figuring out what is in your mouth is. But more than that it was just so awkward sitting at a table with everyone and trying to engage in group conversation. I don’t think I understood just how much we rely on eye contact and body language to communicate effectively, its so important. 


Next it was massage time, which was lovely and not really impacted by the lack of vision. Phew

Finally it was yoga time and I have to say this was the most enjoyable part of the whole day. I had to focus so heavily on the instructors words and listen to what my body was telling me, that I think it was the first yoga class that I had done where my mind didn’t wander off. It was great actually and I wonder if there is anyone who conducts classes like this?

Finally the class was over, blind fold off, relief!!! Ahhhhhhh

I think of this particular day often, it’s not an experience I would ever like to repeat. It didn’t stimulate all my other senses, the only thing that was heightened was my awareness of how big my ego is (I mean it pretty much sulked all day, look at the photos). I hated relying on other people to get around, I was unable to do anything by myself and I wonder how on earth blind people get through life, how long does it take someone to regain their independence in the event that they have lost their vision? They are truly inspirational.

More than the day itself, I think of (and it has sparked great debate amongst my friends) the question of ‘If you could only have one sense what would it be?’

I get stuck between touch and sight. I know now how very very important sight is, I would happily give up sound, taste and smell before sight, but touch…. Gosh, I just don’t know if I could go without feeling the touch of someones arms around me, or their lips on my skin. It’s not until you try something like this challenge and begin to think about these things that you realise just how blessed we really are.

What sense would you choose?

Appreciate your body more!

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