Day 38 – Yoga Camp!

Day 38 led me on a long bus journey through the mountains, to the side of a dirt road where I patiently waited sitting on bastard (my suitcase, refer to previous posts) for my lift to arrive and take me to Kaliyoga.

Kaliyoga is ranked as one of the top 10 yoga retreats in the world and it sure is a retreat!!!

Upon arriving I was seated at a long table with some equally anxious but excited fellow yogi’s (Little did I know that 3 of them were about to become wonderful friends of mine).  We ate delicious gazpacho and made small talk about where we had come from, why we were here and what our yoga experience had been. I don’t know if I have mentioned this, but my yoga experience is 0, hence why this retreat qualified for my 365 days of 30 challenge.

I then did the grand tour and was shown my awesome teepee that I was lucky enough to be staying in by myself.


The view of the spectacular mountains from kaliyoga is breathtaking to say the least…….

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After our tour it was time to get ready for our first yoga lesson. I was a little apprehensive to say the least….. I mean here I am at a yoga camp where I can only assume that people have been doing this stuff for years and I am going to look like the utter rookie that I am.

I brace myself and enter the yoga studio – WOW!!!!  What a beautiful setting…..


You’re in this hut like structure where the natural light pours in through fly screen making you feel as though you are right in amongst the wilderness and as we begin yoga class the crickets start churping almost like they are performing a symphony! It’s pretty magical and immediately it takes my mind off the fact that I cannot at all centre myself or pay attention to my breathing. All I seem to be able to focus on is turning myself into a pretzel and just how hard I find it to do so.

I met a personal trainer once that said the physical flexibility of a person is a direct reflection of their personality. Shit! Is my personality equally as rigid as my body??? I sure hope not!

After the hour and a half class (which secretly I enjoyed immensely) we were treated to some delicious mocktails and snacks. Just enough to get you salivating for the incredible vegetarian feast you are about to be served for dinner.

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That night as I sat with some of the others in the outdoor spa, looking up at the stars, sipping on my herbal tea, I realised that this is exactly where I need and want to be for the next 5 days.

I don’t have any yoga retreats to compare this to but this was an amazing experience…. Stay tuned to find out how the week progressed

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Centre Yourself More

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