Day 31 – Arab Bathhouse

Arriving in Granada at 10.00pm didn’t leave much time to complete a challenge, but as I walked into my accommodation I saw a pamphlet for  the arab baths. I immediately called them and was lucky enough to book myself into the midnight session!

Although I had never been to an Arab bathhouse, I am no stranger to the experience and some favorites of mine are:

The Japanese bathhouse in Collingwood Melbourne

What to expect:

Walk into a tranquil environment where you are asked to remove your shoes. You will then be given  a towel, Japanese robe and wash rag and will be ushered into your same sex bathhouse. You are then required to lock your things away in the locker, hang your towel on the hooks and enter the bathing area completely naked (Daunting at first but you get over it). You will need to pick up a small bucket as you walk in and take a seat in front of the mirrors to wash yourself (Look for the signs on how to turn on the taps, they can be tricky).  Once showered, you can alternate between the hot bath and sauna ensuring that you wash yourself after each sauna use. Your session will go for 1 hour but allow for 2 so that once robed you can relax in the tatami lounge and have some delicious snacks (I personally like the cold tofu, miso and sake). The tatami lounge is unisex and the perfect place to unwind and debrief with your date, lover or friends.

This place is wonderful for relaxation, helps to clear the mind and promote health and wellbeing. A perfect place to spend some quality time with your girlfriends or to have an unusual date. With the added option of a shiatsu massage, you won’t regret your time at the Japanese bathhouse.

The Dragonhill Spa in Seoul Korea

What to expect:

Dragonhill – Warning do not go on the weekend!

Head to dragonhill mid week for an experience unlike any other. Hosting 6 levels, this place is the vegas of bathhouses and it is unbelievably cheap. Not only does it have a huge bathhouse with 15 or so different experiences (same sex and naked), it also has lots of unisex environments such as an outdoor pool, every kind of sauna you can think of, little ovens you can bake yourself in and no I am not kidding, a games area, karaoke, restaurants, every treatment imaginable. You can spend up to 12 hours here for the equivalent of $10.00 and pay a small amount for each additional hour (a lot of people sleep here, the best and cheapest accommodation in Seoul if you ask me). Unlike the tranquil environment of the Japanese bathhouse, upon arrival you are confronted by hospital bright lighting, are given the standard towel, wash rag, some clothes that make you look like you have been sentenced to a womans prison and a wrist band that not only has your locker key on it but also serves as the scanning device and tally’s the charges for any additional services that you might require like a facial or massage.


This place is awesome, I wouldn’t hesitate to go back.

The Hammam Banos Arabes in Granada Spain is quite a different experience from the above mentioned bathhouses but WOW it is beautiful. The architecture is enchanting and the unisex bathing means that swim wear is required. For the best experience you should alternate between 3 baths, cold, warm and hot. I attempted the cold but it was absolutely freezing and I only got toe deep ha, I opted to lie on the cold benches instead which was wonderful and relaxing. When you enter the warm areas you will find some delicious tea available, perfect for sipping on in between bathing. You also have the option of lying on the hot rock or booking a massage! (Massage is recommended)
Your session will go for 1 and a half to 2 hours and although its slightly expensive, it is worth every penny! Check it out if you are in Granada.

The Cold Room

The Cold Room

The Hot Stone

The Hot Stone

The Hot Pool

The Hot Bath

The Warm Bath

The Warm Bath

I absolutely love the culture of bathhouses! if you have never been to one….. what are you waiting for?

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